<font size=3>Passed on as received - Dion Giles<br><br>
Laws of Terror - A Public Forum to Discuss Federal And State Anti-Terror
Legislation** <br>
*When:* Friday 4 November 2005, 5.45pm-7.45pm.<br><br>
*Where:* Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, UWA (***Parking available from
Hackett Drive, Entrance 1 in Car Park 3)<br><br>
*Speakers:* <br><br>
* Mark Cox - Lawyer (a legal perspective)<br>
* Dr Carmen Lawrence (a view from the House of
Representatives) <br>
* Senator Rachel Siewert (a view from the Senate)<br><br>
* Panel comments by representatives from Islamic Council of
Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance, Council of
* Chaired by Professor Gavin Mooney, Co convenor, Social Justice
For a Flyer and information and commentary on the laws visit the website
set up for the forum
<a href="http://al.perthimc.asn.au/terrorlawforum1/" eudora="autourl">
_A follow up event to discuss action will take place, 6pm Thursday
November 10th at Unions WA<br><br>
_ For more information including maps of venues please visit website
_<a href="http://www.ias.uwa.edu.au" eudora="autourl">
www.ias.uwa.edu.au</a>_ <outbind://54/www.ias.uwa.edu.au> or
contact the Institute of Advanced Studies on (08) 6488 1340; Email
<<a href="mailto:ias@admin.uwa.edu.au" eudora="autourl">
mailto:ias@admin.uwa.edu.au</a>> The event is supported by the the
following groups:<br>
People's Health Movement; Public Health Assoc. of Australia (WA Branch);
Social Justice Network; The Greens (WA); The Australian Democrats; Matrix
Consulting Group; Amnesty Australia WA Branch; WACOSS; WA Sustainability
Collaboration; Aboriginal Legal Service; National Tertiary Education
Union (WA Division); Uniting Church Social Justice Commission; Unions
(Unions WA, CPSU/CSA, ASU, SSTU); Institute of Advanced Studies,
University of WA; West Australians for Racial Equality (WARE); Curtin
Centre for Human Rights Education; Edmund Rice Centre; Ethnic Communities
Council; Christian; Centre for Social Action; Perth Indymedia; WA Peace
Network; Labor Lawyers; The Fremantle Anti-Nuclear Group; The
Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia; Society of Professional
Social Workers; Catholic Social Justice Council: Refugee Rights Action
Network; Socialist Alliance; Project SafeCom Inc; No War Allaince;
Medical Association for the Prevention Of War; Perth Peace Group; Hills
No War Alliance; East/Hills Socialist Allaince; The Gaia Foundation of
WA; Stop MAI Coalition; Gay and Lesbian Equality WA; Curtin University
Student Guild; Labour Lawyers; CBD Labour; Community Arts Network<br>