Hello All,<br><br>
QUT is currently seeking 2 HEWA7 data analysts for fixed term
<li>1 position is for 2 years; and
<li>the other is for 1 year.
</ul>For further information on how to apply please refer to
<a href="http://www.hrd.qut.edu.au/recruitselect/jobs/" eudora="autourl">http://www.hrd.qut.edu.au/recruitselect/jobs/</a>
. The positions are advertised under the General Positions heading as <font face="Verdana">Strategic Information Analysts.<br><br>
</font>Please phone Sam Nielsen on (07) 38642798 if you want any further information about these positions. <br><br>
Applications close Friday 25 February 2005 and the salary range is $52 233 to $57 138 pa.<br><br>
Trish Watson<br><br>
Trish Watson<br>
Associate Director<br>
Strategic Information & Analysis <br>
Division of Finance and Resource Planning<br>
Queensland University of Technology<br><br>
Ph. 07) 3864 2431<br>
Fax 07) 3864 5169<br>
E-mail pl.watson@qut.edu.au</html>