Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
AIPEN | Australian International Political Economy Network Mailing List |
Allgwa | List for the members of the Australian Law Librarians' Association (WA Division) Inc. |
AllITCourseworkStudents | Distribution list |
AllITResearchStudents | These are all our research phd students |
anzacll | Australian and New Zealand Academic and College Law Librarians List |
ArcGIS | ArcGIS users at Murdoch discussion list |
ATSIAG-Aboriginal-Member | [no description available] |
Autismlab | [no description available] |
Bitllaw-acad | Law School Distribution list |
Coreleaderteamcmmit | CMMIT Leadership Team |
Curriculum-committees | Curriculum committee distribution list for use by USO only |
DesperatePets | All creatures great or small looking for good caring homes |
dse_talk | DSE General Chat |
EdMentorTeachers | Distribution list |
Educause | Murdoch University redistribution of the Educause mailing list |
Endnote | Murdoch university EndNote Mailing List |
Enterprise_bargain | Murdoch University Enterprise Bargaining mailing list |
es-alumni | Energy Studies Alumni - keep in touch! |
es-external | Energy Studies non-local Students |
Es-jobs | current and former energy studies & sustainable energy management students looking for jobs |
Es_students | A list of all environmental science students and Muensa members fror distribution purposes |
Grants | Alerts and bulletins from the Grants Office to researchers |
Infra | Infrastructure Services |
It.honours | [no description available] |
It.masters | [no description available] |
Itsinfo | [no description available] |
LCP-Network | [no description available] |
LibraryAssistants | Library Assistants |
Loandesk | Client Engagement Staff |
MABS | Murdoch Association of Biomedical Students |
Markergroupwa | [no description available] |
Matlab_users | Discussion related to the use of the Matlab software at Murdoch |
muanet | Murdoch University Academic discussion list |
mupsa.committee | MUPSA Committee and Staff |
NTEUmessage | Notices and announcements for MUASA/NTEU members |
NVivo | Murdoch University NVivo, N6 and NUD*ST users list |
physnano | A list for Physics and Nanotechnology students |
plantbio | Plant Biology |
Positions_vacant | Murdoch University v Positions Vacant mailing list. |
Postgrad-Debate | Open and unmoderated list |
ProjectCoA | [no description available] |
Psych4thyears | [no description available] |
PsychChapter_Alumni | School of Psychology Alumni Chapter |
Pubtalk | Pubtalk Email Notification |
R-Usergroup | The R User group is connecting users of R software. This online community is there to assist Murdoch University users of R in sharing experience and material. |
Rightnowusergroup | List for cross-university Rightnow administrators |
Rockingham-News | Rockingham Social News |
Rockingham-Staff | Rockingham Campus Information for staff (moderated) |
Soilswestlab | SoilsWest lab users |
Spss | SPSS users and administrators list |
TeamETC | TeamETC: Murdoch's Enviro Tech Centre ( |
TERG | Terrestrial Ecology Research Group |
Testcomms | [no description available] |
Testcomms3 | [no description available] |
Testlist | [no description available] |
Tig | TIG |
Unistats | Murdoch University Statistics e-mail list |
Wa-indon | Teachers of Indonesian Language |
WebTech | [no description available] |
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