[Unistats] Concordance Table

Carol Smith carolas@unimelb.edu.au
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 17:45:58 +1100

Dear colleagues<br><br>
Does anyone have a concordance table which maps Fields of Research (RFCD)
codes to Fields of Education (ASCED) codes (<u>at the six digit
level</u>).&nbsp;&nbsp; I am aware that there is not a one to one match
but if anyone has prepared such a table I would be grateful if you would
be prepared to share it.<br><br>
Carol Smith<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><a href="http://wwwstaff.murdoch.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/unistats" eudora="autourl">http://wwwstaff.murdoch.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/unistats</a>
Manager, Data and Statistics<br>
University Planning Office<br>
The University of Melbourne<br>
Parkville&nbsp; VIC&nbsp;&nbsp; 3010<br>
Telephone:&nbsp; + 61 3 <b>8344 6460<br>
</b>Fax:&nbsp; + 61 3 9347 0681<br>
email:&nbsp; carolas@unimelb.edu.au</html>