[Unistats] Multiple UAI cutoff for single course codes

Andrew McCann Andrew.McCann at uts.edu.au
Mon Jul 4 12:59:33 WST 2005

Hello everyone

We at UTS have been dealing with an issue relating to how we report 
multiple UAI cut off scores for our Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degrees 
in the new Campus (CM) File and subsequently on the 'Going to Uni' website.

The scope for the CM File includes a statement that:  "When there is 
more than one record matching on E307 (course code), there must be a 
difference in at least one of the elements - Campus Location (Element 
525); or Course Campus Postcode (Element 559)".  [Incidentally I find 
this concatenation rather odd as E525 and E559 essentially both provide 
location information].

We offer a single BE with a number of different streams/majors and with 
a different UAI cut off for each stream/major.  We differentiate them at 
admission by using different UAC course codes but that data is not 
provided in the CM File.  Our BE streams all have the same course code 
(E307), are offered at the same campus (ie same Campus Location - E525 
and Course Campus Postcode  - E559) and therefore have the same 
E307-E525-E559 concatenation.

This has never been a problem for DEST reporting before because there 
has not been a Campus File before. In fact the current BE configuration 
was developed in consultation with DEST/DETYA some years ago.

We have a proposed in-house solution but it is not entirely 
satisfactory, so I'm interested to find out if anyone else out there has 
experienced a similar issue and how they've dealt with it.

Thanks and Regards .... Andrew

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