[Unistats] Leaving Flinders

Wendy Marchment marc0052@flinders.edu.au
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 13:06:59 +0930

Dear Colleagues,

Well, after 10 years I'm moving on and leaving Flinders University. I 
finish work here this Friday 5th July.

I've accepted a position as Manager, Statistical and Planning Services 
Office at ANU and will be starting there on Tuesday 30 July.

Shall be heading to warmer climes north for 2 weeks before bracing myself 
for a Canberra winter!

So it's not farewell. I shall hopefully be able to catch up with many of 
you (as usual) at the AAIR Conference in Perth later this year.


Wendy Marchment
Head: Planning Services Unit            Phone:  (08) 8201 3677
Flinders University. Australia  Fax:    (08) 8201 3000
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
Email: wendy.marchment@flinders.edu.au